I am currently looking for a full-time or part-time job in software development.
I am based in Bend, Oregon but I am open to positions all over
the West Coast. My skills and interests lie in embedded systems, system
administration, simulation, and game development.
I am also interested in interning at game development studios to
get a more intimate understanding of the game development industry
and to see how professional studios operate.
Some of AcraDyne's products, image sourced from AIMCO's website
In the summer of 2022 I worked as an electrical engineering
intern at AcraDyne, the engineering division of the Portland-based
company AIMCO. Initially my focus was on sitting in on Agile engineering
meetings, shadowing junior and senior engineers, and fixing minor
bugs. But as I got more experienced I was tasked with fixing more
complicated bugs and even creating new features, becoming an active
member of the team and participating more in meetings.
My largest project was
to add a new feature for AcraDyne's precision fastening system:
a togglable option to automatically turn tool indicator lights
off after a configurable period of time. I developed the feature
from start to completion; including implementing the mechanics of
the feature in the tool's C++ firmware codebase using timers and
threading, implementing storage of the configuration in a SQLite
database, creating additions to the Qt user interface, and documenting
the feature in both internal and external documentation.
I am very proud of the time I spent at AcraDyne, I worked closely
with several more experienced engineers, I learned a lot about
development processes, I didn't break anything, and
I made real contributions to production code on tools used by
Please email me for references at